Pastor Gary AlberingIMG 5649b

Pastor Alberding trusted Christ as Savior as a young boy at his home during Bible club. God called him to the ministry at the age of 10. He went to Bible College and was ordained in 1996.  Pastor Alberding met his wife at camp, and they were married in 1994. They have 2 grown children and 1 teenager still at home. He was called to pastor First Baptist Church in 2024 and is actively serving the Lord as their Under Shepherd.


“In Philippians 3:10 it says, ‘That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;’ I really see this as an important vision for our church.  We as believers need to deepen our knowledge and relationship with our Savior. As we do, we will know His power and be able to more effectively share His resurrection and saving power with those that are lost in sin around us.” –Pastor Gary Alberding






Gary Alberding

Pastor Emeritus

David L. Brown

Service Times

Sunday Services:

Sunday School

9:30 AM

Morning Service

10:45 AM

Evening Service

6:15 PM

Wednesday Service:

Evening Service

7:00 PM

10550 South Howell Ave.
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154

(414) 762-7575


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